A Place of Awe & Wonder
It’s said the boundaries between worlds has been worn thin in the Columbia River Gorge. Sightings of strange creatures are common, odd lights often play in the skies, and time seems to flow in peculiar ways at particular locations. The feeling that there is something magical about this place is inescapable for anyone who spends time here. It’s no wonder folks know this territory as the Supernatural Capital of the Pacific Northwest.
File A Paranormal Report
Have you had an strange experience in the Columbia River Gorge? File a paranormal report online or in the store. More than one hundred other people already have.
Discover The Klickitat Ape Cat
More than 50 paranormal reports have been filed regarding mysterious and very large black panther-like creatures that prowl the forests and canyons of Klickitat County.
Explore Paranormal Hot Spots
Arcane Adventure Maps are real-world guides to the mysteries and wonders of the Gorge, and they’re available exclusively at Margie’s Outdoor Store.
Many cryptid reports and strange occurrences have earned the Columbia River Gorge the title of the Supernatural Capital of the Pacific Northwest.
The Klickitat Ape Cat
Mysterious, and extremely large black-panther like creatures that have prowled the wild reaches of Klickitat County for more than 40 years.
Bigfoot - Sasquatch
Enormous, intelligent, hairy humanoids commonly encountered by locals and adventurers visiting the Gorge. Reports of these creatures go back for centuries.
Small Humanoids
Strange beings standing between one to three feet tall have been reported along roadsides and in the forests at night. Some with pointed ears, others with mantis-like heads.
UFOs and UAPs
Sometimes describes as exotic military aircraft and other times lights high in the sky that maneuver in impossible ways, this phenomena is common in the Gorge.
Beacon Rock
The hexagonal basalt columns of this ancient volcano core are said to amplify and transmit etheric messages from other realms.
Escaped Experiements
Historical records regarding the maximum-security, government nuclear facility just upriver at Hanford confirm that experimental apex predators escaped from the labs there and were never recaptured.
Glowing Orbs
Peculiar balls of glowing light are frequently or captured in photographs or seen in forested areas, along Highway 14, and near Beacon Rock.
Ghostly Apparitions
Glowing spectral forms wander through the forest near some of the Gorge’s popular trailheads. These human-like apparitions seem oblivious to the trail maintenance staff who encounter them..
Time Anomolies
Folks in the Gorge report strange temporal effects like lost time or time acceleration.This phenomena seems most prevalent near the lava tube caves south of Mt. Adams.
Frequently reported as floating, shimmering windows that seem to lead to other worlds, this curious phenomena has been seen along roadsides, in wilderness areas, and near mountain tops.
Trout Lake Abby
This collaboration of a Druid priest and a Zen Monk has produced a profoundly spiritual and beautiful sanctuary in the hills below Mt. Adams. Best of all they welcome respectful visitors.
Maryhill Stonehenge
This life-size replica of Stonehenge accurately depicts what the England’s monument orignially looked like. Situated in the hills overlooking the Gorge, it is a place of convergence and power.
The Magical Realm of the Columbia River Gorge
3’ x 2’ and 5’ x 3’ cloth prints of this intriguing map that shows the locations of many paranormal reports are available only at Margie’s Outdoor Store.