File a Paranormal Report
Have You Had a Strange Encounter in the Gorge?
What Happens When You File?
The Klickitat Ape Cat Research Vehicle
When you have a truly strange experience, it’s often hard to find a safe place to tell your story. At Margie’s you will not be judged. It is our policy to believe the witness and take to honest reports seriously. We understand concerns about privacy and will not reveal identifying details without your permission.
All reports are studied by the Klickitat Ape Cat Research Team for clues and patterns. If your report is recent, the team will investigate the location and call in other experts if needed. The team will distill and respectfully disseminate paranormal report information through in-store exhibits, email newsletters, social media posts, Arcane Adventure Maps, and in interviews with pod casters, media outlets, and documentary film crews.
Please only file a report if you feel you have had a genuine paranormal experience.
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